

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Girls Day at the Zoo!

Thursday we went to the zoo with Amanda and Hazel. Although Hazel slept through the entire day, I'm sure she's already a fan of the zoo. Brooklynn had a blast and really enjoyed the monkeys. Shocker!
Checking out the apes

Goldfish and juice....does it get better?

Two wiped out girlies!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Sunday we had brunch at Grandma Betsy's and then an Easter egg hunt with Makenzie and Alyssa. In the afternoon we went to Grandma & Grandpa Wesling's for some grub and lots of family (even Carrie was here). Brooklynn had a good time watching Sophia run around! Brooklynn's tummy wasn't feeling good still, and boy, did we all smell her! I guess we know where she gets that from.......her dad of course! Before we got messy!
Lady Cousins

Checking out the Easter baskets with Sophia

The grass is the best part!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Relaxing week!

This week I was on spring break, so we had a great relaxing time. Tuesday we went to the Children's Museum with Amy, Lucy, Preston, and Heather. Sunday was Uncle Wes and Aunt Jaime's wedding. Brooklynn partied until 10:30. Wow! It was a beautiful wedding, and we're excited to see what the future holds for Wes, Jaime, and Alyssa - hopefully lots of babies! Makenzie and Brooklynn in their matching dresses

Wes giving Alyssa her necklace. Not a dry eye in that place!

Like daddy like daughter!

Her new favorite treat....celery with peanut butter. Yummy!

B.F.F.'s Brooklynn and Brooke (before her trip back to Australia)

Future veterinarian? Ummmm.....