

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Baby is coming soon....

Saturday my girlfriends threw a "baby sprinkle" for us and new baby! It was lots of fun and fun to see all the little kiddos. Steve took Brooklynn, so I was baby-free and got to play with everyone else's. Thanks ladies for all the sweet gifts and just for your support!

Group pic
Joanna & Jadalynn

Katie and O-Dub

Look at that fatty!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Little "Moo Cow"

What a beautiful Colorado weekend! It was in the 70s and 80s all weekend, so we had to get out and enjoy before the snow comes. Saturday we had a fun dinner with the Startzels and Deegans and rocked it out all night on Guitar Hero. Sunday morning we took Makenzie and grandma to the Botanic Gardens Pumpkin Festival. It was so hot that Brooklynn could only wear her costume for a little bit. Who would've thought a cow costume wouldn't be a great idea in cold Colorado? We found the perfect pumpkin and enjoyed the other festivities. Searching for that perfect pumpkin - lots were mushy from the freeze last weekend
Makenzie the vampire


Practicing her basketball skills!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Circus Time!

Saturday was Brooklynn's first trip to the circus! It's been fun to watch her grow and start to enjoy the fun events, and it gives us a good excuse to go to these events now. Brooklynn's favorites were the dogs and the elephants. We met grandma & grandpa there and then went out for a good Mexican dinner afterwards. This was her face most of the time....in a daze!

Not ready to go yet!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The zoo keeps getting better....

Saturday we went to the zoo with the Deegans. The girls loved the gorillas....or monkeys as Amanda calls them. Brooklynn enjoyed pointing to all the kids and saying "baby". One girl was so upset she stormed off yelling, "I'm not a baby anymore!" It was hilarious!