After a quick but painful labor, Chandler Dion Wesling has arrived. She was born at 12:50 on November 4th weighing 7 lb 4 oz and 20 inches long. We drove to the hospital on Tuesday evening when I had some strong contractions but then were sent home, because they almost stopped when we arrived at the hospital. Sure enough early the next morning my water broke and there was no turning back!
We were discharged on Friday afternoon and arrived home to see Brooklynn, who we missed so much. She couldn't visit in the hospital because of the flu scare. We've spent the last few days just trying to catch our breath between diaper changes, feedings, and short bouts of sleep. Brooklynn has adjusted amazingly well and is in love with her "baby sister".
Steve has 4 weeks off (Thank God), so we have some time to figure this out!