

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Carrie & Josh fly in!

Last weekend Aunt Carrie & Uncle Josh flew into to see their favorite nieces (and the rest of us....I guess). Here's a few pics from our day of fun!

Group pic
With the new little niece
Birthday Girls - notice Carrie holding Brooklynn's hands to ensure she wouldn't grab the flame. She must be ready for kids.....hint...hint....

More birthday cake....sweet!

Sledding Time!

Saturday we took out the sled after swimming lessons. We had to get out there quick, as the snow was melting fast! Brooklynn has no fear on the sled!

The worst part is walking not only the sled but Brooklynn back up the hill! No need to work out after this!
It was nice enough to have Chandler out too. She's so thug in her Nuggets beanie!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hangin' Out

Mommy decided to break out the camera a few times this week - we've been getting a little stir-crazy couped up in the house in the mornings.

Chandler in her sweater knitted by Aunt Sandy. It's the most amazing sweater I've seen for a baby! I know she looks angry, but she loved the warm sweater....promise!
The girls getting ready to cheer on the Nuggets

Chandler's new toy - the jumper!

Brooklynn has a boyfriend?

Last Saturday we went to the Startzels for dinner with the Deegans. Brooklynn has taken quite a liking to Jackson. Here's her showing off for him: Of course he is a momma's boy, but who couldn't love that face?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not again mom!

A couple weeks ago Grandma & Grandpa bought the girls matching St. Patty's Day outfits, and of course I had to get some pictures of them. Chandler is starting to figure out the power of Brooklynn and is a little scared to have her hold her. Brooklynn just loves to hold her sister...well for a minute or so! You can see the fear in her eyes!

Children's Museum

A couple weeks ago we took the girls to the Children's Museum for Brooklynn's birthday. Brooklynn absolutely loves it!

Dressing up as a firefighter with the dog - she loved the stuffed Dalmatian!
Doing some grocery shopping

Checking out the caves with mommy

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Do they look alike?

So I've been asked many times lately if the girls look alike, so I thought I'd put up a picture of each of them at 4 months. I'd say they have the same bright blue eyes! Chandler is much plumper at 4 months, because Brooklynn took a dip in her weight that month.
Of course this is my favorite of Brooklynn, so maybe not fair to compare!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Doctor Visits

Monday we were able to go to the doctor - not for sick kids but for actual check-ups. Brooklynn didn't want anything to do with the doctor, and of course Chandler didn't mind. Here's their latest stats:

34.5 " (of course she wouldn't stand up for the nurse - 68%)
29 1/2 lb. (82%)

Needless to say the doc is a little concerned about her height to weight ratio. Of course we'd all be that way if we lived off mac 'n cheese!

24" (55%)
13.4 lb (46%)

We're just glad everyone is healthy and doing well!