When Brooklynn started another year of preschool last fall Chandler was feeling left out, so we decided to sign her up for dance class while Brooklynn was at preschool. The first few weeks were rough. They consisted of peeling her off my leg, many bathroom breaks, and her not paying attention to the teacher (imagine that). After a couple months she was ecstatic to go to class and started randomly doing her plies in the grocery store. With her recital approaching I was nervous for her, and we practiced every chance we got.
A couple Saturdays ago was the big night! I knew I needed to volunteer backstage to ease her fears for the show. As we were walking to the "green room" she tripped and fell face first. I thought it was all over! She stopped crying when we got backstage, but she was scared to death to go on stage. I just wanted her to get on the stage - I didn't care at that point if she performed well. As soon as she walked on the stage, I was able to dart out the door and watch with the audience.
She was amazing! She soaked up the audience's applause and laughter and enjoyed hamming it up. Her hula hooping was fantastic, and it didn't go unnoticed! She's actually a great dancer, but we're still holding out for the athlete in her! After she finished I ran backstage, wiped away the tears, and gave her a huge hug. It's amazing how proud they make you!
Surfin' USA with Amari and Jovie
Loving her Ooh ooh and flowers
Brooklynn was a real trooper too. I know she really wanted to be out there and dance as well. So now we'll have 2 dancers at the next recital. Woohoo!