

Monday, April 21, 2014

Can't keep up!

Most conversations start with a "How are you?"  followed by a "What have you been up to?"  It seems like I just freeze every time I'm asked that very question.  Either I'm trying to sift through the madness and figure out what "major" events we've been up to or I just plain forget!  Anyway, I feel that way with the blog.  I look through pictures and have those "oh yeah" moments.  Forgot we did that!  Anyway, here's a few of many things we've been up to lately..........

Our swim babies just can't get enough of the pool!
 CSU was playing their annual Denver scrimmage fairly close to our house, so we thought we'd gear the kiddos up and get them pumped up for the football season.  It was a great day catching up with friends and their families and watching a very small amount of football.
 Brooklynn and Cam
 Daddy isn't brainwashing them at all!
My amazing friend Carrie has dedicated herself to helping March of Dimes and set-up a playdate group and mini-march for the kids to do to raise money for the organization.  I thought it'd be a great service project for the girls, and they really enjoyed it.  After our march we held a bake sale that raised over $200, and the best part was seeing the kids on the street waving flagging cars down.  Who could say no to these cute kids?  Hopefully next year we can be more involved and help raise even more money.

The girls waving at cars

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our sweet and sassy Bubba!

I can't even imagine what it would be like to be the youngest of 3 girls.  That made it difficult for us to figure out what Ady's personality would be like.  Since we already had 2 almost opposite girls, would she be more like our sweetheart Brooklynn or our hilarious Chandler?  Or would she just be completely different?  Well, I think now we can say we have a whole new character in our home.  

Adaley was the sweetest, easiest baby ever.  She hardly cried and we really thought she would just go with the crazy flow of the family.  We were wrong!  She is very loud, outspoken, and stubborn!  She already chooses her own clothes, refuses to be potty trained, and constantly yells, "No" to us.  Now, don't get me wrong...she still has a sweet side.  She'll be the first to bring Brooklynn her blanket, the first to help me set the table (yes, she's only 23 months), and still loves to cuddle.  She's developed quite a personality and makes us laugh and scream at the same time.  What can you expect from a 3rd girl?  She has to be heard, right?

She's insistent on wearing this 0-9 month robe she found deep in her drawer.  She wears as her "coat" everywhere.  I just have to laugh!
 She was so sweet to Brooklynn when she had strep
 One afternoon I gave her a snack and she set up a picnic in the family room for herself.  So funny!
What will she do next?  We love our Bug!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

More spring break cousin time!

We were a little spoiled and got to spend even more time with our cousins the week after spring break, making it feel like a 2-week spring break.  I can't complain about that!

We had some time with Callen and Carrie before they went back to California, so we had to break the little guy in at McDonald's play area.  Glad he didn't get sick from that, but the girls had fun showing him the ropes.

I didn't realize Makenzie's spring break was the week after ours, and we were so pumped to have her over for a couple days, so we did it anyway and spent the evening at the ever-popular Casa Bonita.  It was a blast watching the girls run around from the diving show to puppet shows and pinata.  Of course no one would dare step into Black Bart's Cave, but at least the gorilla didn't scare the poop out of them this time.

 The girls ended the evening with a campout sleepover on the floor of their room.  They just love their Kenz time!
To top the week off, Steve and I went to the Rockies opening day.  I had always wanted to go to opening day, but either tickets were too expensive or I was working.  So when a vendor of Steve's invited us I knew we couldn't pass it up!  Opening day in Denver is almost a recognized holiday.  Thousands of fans flock to downtown to go to the game or just hit up the bars for an afternoon of baseball, booze, and sun (usually).  Although the weather wasn't typical for our gorgeous opening days, it was good enough (especially considering we had snow the day before).  It was a fun time meeting up with friends, meeting some new friends (Steve's vendors), and actually watching the Rocks win.  Check one off the bucket list!

Our seats right behind left field (of course no one is in their seats watching for opening day)
 Proof we were there!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Break!

I am always looking forward to spring break - a chance to get outside, sleep in, and no stresses.  I'm always a little hesitant to go to the area attractions, as everyone is on break and it's a madhouse!  We sure enjoyed sleeping in though (now that we have to get Brooklynn up early for school) and ended up having lots of fun along the way.

The break begin Friday evening when we all went to Kenz's talent show.  She did a poi ball routine that was amazing!  We were so impressed she did a solo routine as a 6th grader.  All the kids were entertaining, and the girls loved it!

Carrie, Josh, and Callen flew in town for the weekend before Carrie headed to Florida.  As always, the girls had a great time visiting with them and especially seeing how big Callen has gotten.

Uncle Josh lets those girls do whatever they please!
 Always up for some tree climbing

 We still fight over who gets to hold Callen when all he really wants to do is crawl around!
 Adaley loved doing anything with the "baby".  
 Picnic at the park

 Sunday evening we were off to Disney on Ice, which the girls were stoked about!  The show was awesome, along with the unlimited popcorn in the suite.  Thanks again Adam for thinking of us!

 Red Robin for dinner!
 Adaley constantly asked to hold the baby.  This was right before she choked him out.  Haha!  (Look how scared poor Callen is)

 We planned our zoo day playdate for Wednesday (the only nice weather day of the week) and apparently everyone in Denver had the same idea.  It was, literally, a zoo!  Of course we didn't mind and were excited to get out and enjoy the beautiful sunshine.  It's fun to see Adaley so excited about the animals now.
 The girls with our neighbors J.D. and Sophia

 I always feel this pressure to constantly entertain and do fun stuff during break, so I had this brilliant idea of going to Chuck E Cheese for dinner on Thursday.  It actually was a great time, not too busy, and Adaley just loved the rides.  Best of all we got the bigger girls playing skeeball (our favorite).
 Shooting some hoops!
The weather was nice again for the weekend, so we dragged daddy to the zoo with us.  He hadn't been in so long, so it was nice to actually have a family day there.

It was sad to see it all end and get back into our routine of waking up early and taxing the girls around, but they were ready to go back to school and get some time away from each other.  Makes me anxious for summer to start, so we can do this for 3 months!