I remember when one of Brooklynn's preschool friends' mom had 3 girls - 2 in elementary school and 1 in preschool. I would enviously watch her take off for a morning jog after the preschool drop-off knowing she had those 2 1/2 hours to herself! I felt so far from that reality, having 1 in preschool, a toddler, and another in the oven. In the blink of an eye that's me now! So I've been using my 1 hour and 40 minutes twice a week to get in a decent workout. Woohoo!
I did decide to ease into the work world by substitute teaching in Adams 12 and get my name out there, in case I decide I want to go back anytime soon. My goal is to work twice a month and get a feel of the schools around us, meet some of the teachers and administrators, and just get back to doing what I love - teaching!
So far.....two jobs down and I really like it. I can't complain about a job where I pick when and where I work. I don't have to do anything I don't want to (except listen to rowdy middle schoolers on a Friday afternoon). I think it's also a good way to transition for the girls, because they love having mom home, and the thought of me working scares them to death!
So we'll see where this path takes me - maybe into a part- or full-time job down the road or maybe a completely different career path altogether. For now I just want to find a healthy balance of it all!
I guess since I make the girls do it I had to as well!