

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Snow Fun

Every time it snows the girls are ready to go sledding, until it gets too cold of course!  We didn't have many opportunities with such a warm winter!
 Daddy is definitely the pro sledder!
 One of the best things about kids growing up - more help with chores!

Our friends, Katie and Adam, invited Steve and I up to the mountains for a ski day.  Crazy to say, but we hadn't been skiing in probably 15 years.  Apparently skiing is like riding a bike - you can pick it up pretty easily.  Katie and Adam were patient with us, as we were pretty freaked out about getting injured.  Getting old sucks!

The day was beautiful, and now we can confidently say we're ready to get back on the bike and do the skiing thing again, maybe with kids next time!

It's Been Too Long

My purpose in maintaining this blog is to have a digital scrapbook of sorts for my children to some day reflect back on.  I mean, let's face it - everything is turning digital, and for once, I'm on the bandwagon of it all!  With that being said, I've dreaded the day I'd have to catch up on the last year of our lives.  I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this morning, so how would I ever remember our crazy days from the last year?

Here it goes....I'm taking the plunge..........I'll do my best! 

Sunday, March 26, 2017


I know this is extremely overdue, but I'm going to attempt to catch up on this blog, even with our hectic lives! 
The girls' winter break fell early this year, giving us an entire week before the big day, so we were full-fledged ready when it arrived.  It all began Christmas Eve at the Weslings' with the Thompsons.  And of course we were all fighting over who got to hold sweet Amelia next.

Girl cousins represent!
Let the gift opening commence!
Ady was so funny dancing with Santa and holding his hands
Christmas tradition of matching pjs for Santa's helpers
Madness Time!

We're still fortunate the girls sleep in on the big day, since our Christmas Eve celebrations usually end late.  But once they're up it's go time!
Opening Chandler's handmade calendar.  She was so proud!
Donut decorating!
And then over to Magra Betsy's for more girl cousin time!  I can't believe how big they're all getting, and they always have a great time together!

And last, but not least, celebrating at our house with Dad, Andy, and Kenz.  We're pooped and ready to relax!

Monday, February 6, 2017

December Traditions

The madness of December always hits us with a bang trying to squeeze in all the traditions while soaking up all the magic of the season.  This year the girls finished school an entire week before the holiday, so we were able to enjoy and relax more of it.  

We decided to try out Thornton's annual Winterfest, but after 10 minutes of chilly weather, we were toast!  It's always such a beautiful festival, but the frigid temps aren't for us Wesling ladies.
 The girls were out of school on Thursday, so we were all able to enjoy Ady's preschool program (our last one ever......😢)
 We even found time to squeeze in a Rams basketball game in Denver against Kansas State!

 And we couldn't forget Andrea and Tracey's annual Gingerbread House Party a.k.a. the only time of year these 3 can actually agree and build something together with no hair-pulling brawls
 Fun Photo Props
 The girls were treated to a premiere party of the new Star Wars Rogue One movie.  Can you say "spoiled"?

                                    A nice evening of Zoo Lights with the Thompson clan
 Just extracting some DNA from wheat germ at the museum.  Life of tiny scientists (or offspring of a science teacher)
I couldn't forget the school parties.  Brooklynn's class made gingerbread houses and had a blast!  Don't mind the creeper in the back.
And the fake cheesy smile from our Cheese during her cookie decorating party.
The Colorado History Museum has been showcasing an "Awkward Family Photos" exhibit that I've been dying to check out.  Overall, pretty funny, and they even let you make your own photos at the end, so the girls and I had a fun time with that!

Decorating some cookies with friends
My friend and I got our kids together for a baking day.  Lots of fun, but of course the kids were more interested in playing than baking.
 Birthday lunch with the ladies!

Whew!  All that and we still had energy for Christmas!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Kicking Off December with a Bang

Before the hustle and bustle of December was full underway we were able to enjoy a few outings together.  Steve was invited to a family meet and greet with some Broncos players, which is always exciting for us all.  We staked out Chris Harris first, and he and his wife were so gracious!  They talked to us about having girls, and we walked away as his new #1 fans!

 Another special meeting was with Kapri Bibbs, the former CSU running back.  He was so friendly with the girls and even let Chandler belt out the fight song for him.
 Our last "out the door" meet was with Trevor Siemian (the quarterback).  They cut off the line right before us, but when he saw those cute faces he couldn't resist stopping and signing.
 Since we were next door to the City and County Building we had to get a token shot of it in the frigid temps.
 And there was the annual December dance recital.  The girls were great and as cute as ever.  Video to come soon......
 Steve's work always puts on a good holiday party, and this year they changed it up hosting at the Pepsi Center for dinner and an Avs game.  We were able to get down on the ice and try some shots.  It was much harder than the real players make it look.  Although we were supposed to skate but told last minute there were too many people, it was still fun to get down on the ice.
 Always in the penalty box

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Chandler's Birthday

Everyone's favorite time of year was back, and we were constantly reminded of how important her birthday is for months.  Chandler insisted, on course, of another pumpkin patch party to celebrate with her very best friends.  And like every year, the weather was absolutely gorgeous!

Chandler and Tay

Enjoying some grub!
The kids giving it a go on the donut challenge.  It was hilarious, and they loved it!  
And the most important accessory - the pinata!

Following her last soccer game was the family party - complete with food and lots of presents!

It always amazes me how fast they all grow up, but for some reason Chandler just seems to grow fastest.  She's our soccer-loving tough tomboy who loves to wear big dresses and fancy hair.  Her quick-wit and intelligence floors us daily.  Happy Birthday to our Cheeseball!

1.  Color - Purple
2.  Book - Ivy & Bean
3.  Food - Chicken fingers
4.  TV show - Fuller House
5.  Movie - Little Mermaid
6.  Subject - Math
7.  Hobby - Soccer

Height - 4' 2 1/2" (87th percentile)
Weight - 59 lb (81st percentile)