The madness of December always hits us with a bang trying to squeeze in all the traditions while soaking up all the magic of the season. This year the girls finished school an entire week before the holiday, so we were able to enjoy and relax more of it.
We decided to try out Thornton's annual Winterfest, but after 10 minutes of chilly weather, we were toast! It's always such a beautiful festival, but the frigid temps aren't for us Wesling ladies.
The girls were out of school on Thursday, so we were all able to enjoy Ady's preschool program (our last one ever......😢)
We even found time to squeeze in a Rams basketball game in Denver against Kansas State!
And we couldn't forget Andrea and Tracey's annual Gingerbread House Party a.k.a. the only time of year these 3 can actually agree and build something together with no hair-pulling brawls
Fun Photo Props
The girls were treated to a premiere party of the new Star Wars Rogue One movie. Can you say "spoiled"?
A nice evening of Zoo Lights with the Thompson clan
Just extracting some DNA from wheat germ at the museum. Life of tiny scientists (or offspring of a science teacher)
I couldn't forget the school parties. Brooklynn's class made gingerbread houses and had a blast! Don't mind the creeper in the back.
And the fake cheesy smile from our Cheese during her cookie decorating party.
The Colorado History Museum has been showcasing an "Awkward Family Photos" exhibit that I've been dying to check out. Overall, pretty funny, and they even let you make your own photos at the end, so the girls and I had a fun time with that!
Decorating some cookies with friends
My friend and I got our kids together for a baking day. Lots of fun, but of course the kids were more interested in playing than baking.
Birthday lunch with the ladies!
Whew! All that and we still had energy for Christmas!