

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Snow Fun

Every time it snows the girls are ready to go sledding, until it gets too cold of course!  We didn't have many opportunities with such a warm winter!
 Daddy is definitely the pro sledder!
 One of the best things about kids growing up - more help with chores!

Our friends, Katie and Adam, invited Steve and I up to the mountains for a ski day.  Crazy to say, but we hadn't been skiing in probably 15 years.  Apparently skiing is like riding a bike - you can pick it up pretty easily.  Katie and Adam were patient with us, as we were pretty freaked out about getting injured.  Getting old sucks!

The day was beautiful, and now we can confidently say we're ready to get back on the bike and do the skiing thing again, maybe with kids next time!

It's Been Too Long

My purpose in maintaining this blog is to have a digital scrapbook of sorts for my children to some day reflect back on.  I mean, let's face it - everything is turning digital, and for once, I'm on the bandwagon of it all!  With that being said, I've dreaded the day I'd have to catch up on the last year of our lives.  I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this morning, so how would I ever remember our crazy days from the last year?

Here it goes....I'm taking the plunge..........I'll do my best!