

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Birthday Party Season!

'Tis the season for birthday parties - and extravagant ones at that! Last weekend we went to Cousin Tyler's 3rd birthday. Brooklynn loved the sandbox, the jump house, and the snowcones!

Tyler & Brooklynn jumping!
Enjoying her 1st snowcone! Delicious!
This weekend was Chase's 2nd birthday party. The weather was super windy, but that didn't stop the kids from having a good time. There were so many little ones running around - it made us realize how much our lives have changed. Instead of chatting around a keg we're chatting around a sandbox. Chase was such a cutie and enjoyed running around with all the kids. At the end of the party he planted a few smooches on Brooklynn, but of course I didn't have the camera ready.
Brooks with Chandler

Brooklynn & Madison drenching themselves at the water table
Brooklynn having fun again on the jump house. This time she was more daring going down the slide head-first!

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