

Monday, June 21, 2010

Daddy's Day!

It was a weekend full of Father's Day celebrations! First we did dad's on Friday with dinner and then took him to a Rockies game, and they even won! Here's Brooklynn helping papa open gifts. Saturday we went to Steve's parents' for dinner. Brooklynn had a great time in the backyard. Here's the dads with the girls.

Brooklynn and papa in deep conversation.
Sunday was all Steve. We cooked him breakfast in bed and then left for the Aurora reservoir. We were there just in time to get a shady spot in the grass. Brooklynn loved the beach (the closest thing we have to it) and playing with the other kids. It was a little chilly for Chandler, but she didn't mind getting her feet wet and of course the sand was delicious!
Steve and his girls

Chandler the sun goddess finally sitting on her own.

Tired after a day of sun and swimming
I feel blessed to have these great dads in my life and the girls' lives. They love each of you dearly! And someday maybe someday the girls will find me as cool as their dad. Just maybe.....

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