

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Weekend Fun

We had such a great time this Halloween - there's so much to do with the kids at this age! Saturday morning we braved the crowds to take on our annual Boo at the Zoo trip. We met our fantastic friends (and their parents) for a day of fun in the sun - it was almost 80 degrees. Whew! Because it was so hot Chandler couldn't wear the ladybug costume, so we had to improvise with the ballerina, which actually turned out really cute. Here's some cute pics from the day:

Princess Brooklynn meeting her conductor - she likes a man in uniform! Sibling rivalry - Chandler was sneaking in on Brooklynn's man and wooing him with the candy
The cutest lioness ever - Gabby!
Weird Jurassic Park guy who made the dinosaur Julian (a.k.a. baby daddy)
Minnie loving on her Joauntie!
So this was probably the most fun they had all day - no candy, no animals even in the exhibit, just a glass wall and something to stand on.
Saturday evening we went to the Startzels for more Halloween fun - dinner and more cookie decorating. Again, kids gave up quickly so we were left to decorate.
Favorite toy - being pushed around by daddy in an empty beer box. We're working on patenting it as we speak!
Sunday was the big trick-or-treating night. We headed out pretty early, before it got too chilly (although it was good weather which never happens on Colorado Halloweens). We kept it pretty low-key, because the last thing Brooklynn needs is tons of sugar! She did a great job - always saying "Trick or Treat" and never forgetting her "Thank you"s. I stayed home and handed out candy to the trick or treaters and was amazed at how many cute kids we had this year. Usually we seem to get the teenagers who don't even dress up - but none of those this year! Yeah! Of course that meant we had lots of leftover candy.
When Brooklynn got home from trick-or-treating she was even more excited to hand out candy to the other trick-or-treaters. She kept asking where the kids were and loved putting the candy in their bags herself.
Brooklynn & J.D. (neighbor friend)
They were both excited to see each other but didn't know what to do once they finally did.
Brooklynn & Grandma trick-or-treating
Chandler just wants to crawl around and get some candy!
After trick-or-treating we decided we'd better carve our last pumpkin. Every year Steve tries to do a "pimpin" pumpkin. A couple years ago it was the Rams, last year the Broncos, so this year he thought he'd take on the Nuggets logo. It came out great and hopefully will send good vibes their way. It's going to be hard to root for Melo and all his drama though!

Overall, a great Halloween! Now it's on to preparing for the big birthday bash on Saturday. I can't believe Chandler is already a year old. More on that later.......

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