If you haven't heard by now (or live under a rock), yes, we are expecting.....again! Now this time there were no tears shed but the anxiety was still there. Do we really know what we're getting ourselves into? The adjustment from 1 kid to 2, was tough. Will this be just as tough or even tougher? Time will tell.........
I had been given a book on how to ensure we'd have a boy this time. I was ready to follow every suggestion to make sure I got my momma's boy. Of course that didn't happen, so we'll be expecting another girl, but we're happy with either! Of course if we have 3 girls, I'll be stocking up on booze for the teenage years!
The reaction we've gotten from most people is "Cool, congrats" with a look of shear terror on their faces. Of course I'm sure they're wondering how a teacher of sex ed in a middle school could have two oops surprise pregnancies. Pretty scary!
I was finally starting to feel like the "supermom" I wanted to be - I could take both girls anywhere, anytime and not lose them or my sanity. Hell, I have two potty-trained kids who are super nappers. Could life get any better? Now it's all going to be flipped upside-down, and we'll start over with diaper blowouts and functioning on little sleep.
I've accepted this and know it'll be a blessing to have a little one around again. Having two "surprises" has taught me the biggest lesson - I cannot control every aspect of my life. There is a plan for me and my family, and I just need to roll with the punches. I've lost my control-freakishness (at least a little), and it feels relieving.
I can call my 2 little babies "oops" babies, because that is what they were but now I know they are truly blessings that I'm extremely grateful for! Although we control our destiny, there are always circumstances we cannot control (no matter how hard we try), and we need to be able to recognize those and make the best of it!
Pregnancy update:
Due date: May 2 - 11 (don't know exactly when you're surprised)
Weeks along: About 13
Weight gain: Leaving this one blank....let's just say it's already been addressed by the doc
Gender: We're going for the surprise again. We're both thinking girl again!
This pregnancy has been my toughest yet - always tired and nauseous! Baby looks great - heart rate of 170 bpm and about 6 cm long.
Had to do it to match the family!
Latest ultrasound of our finger-sucker
Uh oh! We are in trouble.......But Brooklynn is excited the baby takes after her!
We will control our destiny, and make sure there are no more Weslings after this one! Thank God I can control that!