

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I couldn't be prouder......

When I heard Brooklynn's preschool was having a Christmas party and a little concert, I was ecstatic.  The calendar was marked, and we were counting down the days.  Her teacher, Mrs. Baker, would tell us how exuberant Brooklynn was singing, which made the wait even tougher.  Since Brooklynn has such a creative talent, Mrs. Baker, asked me to make the "special Christmas treat" for the class (assuming Brooklynn got her creativeness from me, haha).  The pressure was on!

The night before we made Christmas trees and wreaths from Rice Krispie treats, and the girls even made them.  Mrs. Baker was impressed.  Whew!  Dodged that bullet!

Brooklynn woke up ready to sing her little heart out!  As we sat there ready for her to make her grand entrance, I couldn't help but feel my eyes tear up.  I don't know if it was the realization she was growing up or just being so dang proud of her!  She did a fantastic job, but we didn't get to see our animated singer.  I think the nerves got to her, not to mention the boy in front of her throwing a tantrum during the performance.   All I could think was, "So glad that's not my kid!"

Love that smile! 
 She really didn't seem that sad.....
 All the kids
Even though the performance was short, it beat out any concert I've ever been to (yes, even the 'N Sync concert).  I loved every bit of it and found myself constantly snapping pics while Steve ran the video camera.  I have become one of those parents - one that thinks my kid is the cutest, the smartest,  just the best and I have to get proof of it every time!  But I'm ok with that, because I know I'm just so proud!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Let the Holiday Season Begin!

Although I was urging Steve that we should put out the decorations before Thanksgiving this year (it's a lot of work, and I want to enjoy it longer) he stuck to his guns.  So I made sure we were up and at 'em the day after Thanksgiving.  Every year it gets more exciting for the girls and they can help try to help even more.  They loved seeing the ornaments and putting them on themselves.

 Almost done.......

Last week I took the girls to Bass Pro Shops for the annual Santa visit.  Brooklynn had no reservations (2 years in a row now...) but Chandler wasn't digging the old man.  Unfortunately I waited a little too long to take my picture, because she did have a couple minutes standing next to him and requesting her present - a hot dog!  Brooklynn said she wanted a doll.  I love that the commercialism hasn't ruined the Christmas spirit for them......yet!
 They even have a carousel this year!

Saturday it was off to have breakfast with Santa and Grandma and Papa at the senior center.  The girls had a great time, and it seemed the visit with Santa went a little smoother this time.

As if breakfast with Santa wasn't enough for one day's excitement, we packed the house (mostly with kiddos) for our annual kids' gift exchange/girls' lunch.  Since the kids rule here, we're thinking maybe next year we'll leave them home with the dads and have a girls' spa day. 

The kids were great and enjoyed hanging out with their besties!  Here's a pic of some of the kids (we're still missing quite a few).
 Opening their books

That's what we've got for now, but there will be lots more fun coming up in the following weeks!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We will miss you Uncle Ron

For you avid followers (haha) I know it's been a long time.  I was just putting off this post until it was a little easier to write.  A few weeks ago we had to say goodbye to Steve's uncle, Ron.  Ron had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer over 4 years ago, and after a long and tough battle, the cancer won.  Although we have many great memories with Ron, I will always remember his bond with his grandson, Tyler and watching those two play together.  I remember this summer, sitting in Steve's parents' backyard, and Ron asking Tyler to sing his songs.  So I was expecting him to belt out some "Wheels on the Bus", or something of that nature, but Tyler starts jamming to all Ron's favorite 50s songs.  It was the cutest thing, and the pride on Ron's face said it all!

We had some great visits with Ron and our girls the last couple weeks of his life.  Ron enjoyed watching the girls invade the house and break out all the toys.  He'd even get down on the ground and play with them.

I felt like Ron was a "kid at heart" and I admired that about him.  Sometimes, as adults, we are scared of looking silly or "unrefined", but that never mattered to him.  He truly was a special person!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bye Bye Paci

A couple weeks ago we decided to take the plunge and quit the paci cold turkey.  I was terrified - the afternoon naps for all of us were so desperately needed.  What would I do with a screaming baby who just wanted to find comfort in her paci?

We made an impromptu "Bye bye paci" song, saying "go to the babies".  Chandler just adored the song and couldn't stop singing it!  The moment of truth - setting her down in the crib and seeing what happened.  I shut the door - no crying, no screaming, just a girl talking to herself.  I checked on her a few minutes later - same thing.  This had to be too good to be true.

Turns out she fell asleep just fine and has done so ever since.  Sometimes we need to sing the song and talk about giving the pacis to the babies, but she's been a rock star!  It made me realize that sometimes, as parents, we hold onto to "comforts" for our kids, because it's really us that's scared.  Another realization that kids are flexible!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 Year Stats

Last week I took Chandler to the doc for her 2-year check-up.  I was the most nervous for this one, because the 2-year shots are the worst and Steve wouldn't be there with me.  Shortly after we arrived, the nurse told us, "No shots!"  Woo hoo!  Somehow Brooklynn got the short end of the stick and had 2- and 3-year shots. 

Every time you go to a check-up they have a developmental/physical questionnaire to fill out.  I have to admit, Chandler blew this out of the water this time.  One question - can she walk up the stairs with holding the railing.  Chandler - she refuses to hold a railing and walks up and down the stairs one foot per stair.  Another question - can she put two words together?  Chandler - speaks in full sentences.

Now, not to say she's a genius or anything, but having an older sister sure makes a difference in her progress!  I'm expecting baby #3 to come out talking, walking, and potty-trained!

Height - 35.5 inches (85th percentile)
Weight - 29.5 lbs (83rd percentile)

So everything looks great!  The doctor had no concerns, but did recommend we get rid of the paci at night before the baby comes.  Not looking forward to that!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday!

I know it sounds cliche, but I really can't believe my little baby is already 2!  In some ways it feels like she's been two for awhile.  I mean the girl is potty-trained, speaks in complete sentences, and is pretty tall.  Our toughest obstacle was trying to convince her it was her birthday.  She kept saying, "No, happy to Gabby."  And then, "No, happy to Taren."  But we finally convinced her, and she was ecstatic.

I made her some special "2" birthday pancakes on Friday, and Steve took the day off to celebrate with us.
We went to the rec center pool for the girls' favorite - swimming!  They both even went down the slide this time. 

Then it was home for naps and re-energize for a night of Chuck E. Cheese.  We'd never taken the girls there before (I know...crazy), but they absolutely loved it!

Their favorite ride - the school bus
Enjoying some yummy pizza

She was pretty excited to meet the man himself.  (I know the expression doesn't capture excitement)

Then we came home for our family celebration of cake and presents.  Of course we had to have doughnuts in this family!


Present time!
And the celebrations weren't over, because Sunday we had the family party.  The girls loved seeing everyone and celebrating together.  Makenzie even wrote and serenaded Chandler a birthday song - it was cute.
Chandler's hot dog cake!  I couldn't decide what to make her, so we decided to ask her, and of course she said, "Hot dog cake!"  I couldn't resist, and she loved it!
Time to dig in

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thing 3.....uh oh....what are we thinking?

If you haven't heard by now (or live under a rock), yes, we are expecting.....again!  Now this time there were no tears shed but the anxiety was still there.  Do we really know what we're getting ourselves into?  The adjustment from 1 kid to 2, was tough.  Will this be just as tough or even tougher?  Time will tell.........

I had been given a book on how to ensure we'd have a boy this time.  I was ready to follow every suggestion to make sure I got my momma's boy.  Of course that didn't happen, so we'll be expecting another girl, but we're happy with either!  Of course if we have 3 girls, I'll be stocking up on booze for the teenage years!

The reaction we've gotten from most people is "Cool, congrats" with a look of shear terror on their faces.  Of course I'm sure they're wondering how a teacher of sex ed in a middle school could have two oops surprise pregnancies.  Pretty scary!  

I was finally starting to feel like the "supermom" I wanted to be - I could take both girls anywhere, anytime and not lose them or my sanity.  Hell, I have two potty-trained kids who are super nappers.  Could life get any better?  Now it's all going to be flipped upside-down, and we'll start over with diaper blowouts and functioning on little sleep.

I've accepted this and know it'll be a blessing to have a little one around again.  Having two "surprises" has taught me the biggest lesson - I cannot control every aspect of my life.  There is a plan for me and my family, and I just need to roll with the punches.  I've lost my control-freakishness (at least a little), and it feels relieving. 
I can call my 2 little babies "oops" babies, because that is what they were but now I know they are truly blessings that I'm extremely grateful for!  Although we control our destiny, there are always circumstances we cannot control (no matter how hard we try), and we need to be able to recognize those and make the best of it!

Pregnancy update:
Due date:  May 2 - 11 (don't know exactly when you're surprised)
Weeks along:  About 13
Weight gain:  Leaving this one blank....let's just say it's already been addressed by the doc
Gender:  We're going for the surprise again.  We're both thinking girl again!

This pregnancy has been my toughest yet - always tired and nauseous!  Baby looks great - heart rate of 170 bpm and about 6 cm long.

Had to do it to match the family!
Latest ultrasound of our finger-sucker
Uh oh!  We are in trouble.......But Brooklynn is excited the baby takes after her!
We will control our destiny, and make sure there are no more Weslings after this one!  Thank God I can control that!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

And Finally Halloween......

And Halloween finally came on Monday!  I took the girls to Steve's work to show off their cute costumes and then down to mom's work to show them off some more!  After a morning of sugar they crashed and then woke up ready to do it all again that evening.  The weather was beautiful - one of the warmest Halloweens I remember.  When we were kids, it never failed to snow on Halloween, but since we've been taking the girls, no snow.  Knock on wood!

They had a great time trick-or-treating, but after all the Halloween events I think the novelty wore off a little.  Oh well!
 Meeting up with our neighbors

Monday, October 31, 2011

More Halloween....and this isn't the end!

Like I said before, each year the Halloween production gets larger.  It's been a little overwhelming having it all packed in, but the girls are loving every minute of it!

Thursday was Brooklynn's school Halloween party.  She was pretty excited to show off her costume!  (I always wanted a "Thing 1" and "Thing 2", so I figured I'd better torture them now while they're younger and will let me).  They ended up so cute!
Brooklynn and Mrs. Baker

Friday evening we drove to the Startzels for a spooky Halloween dinner party for the kids.  The kids enjoyed playing together, while the adults enjoyed some bonding time. 

The kids table

It was tough, but we sort of got them lined up for a picture

And then pumpkin decorating time!

Saturday we went with Grandma & Grandpa Wesling to the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden.  We'd never been there before, but knew the girls would love seeing all the trains.

With their unicorn rainbow face paint (they opted out of the goulish spider one)

Our scary monster faces!  (Well I think only I look scary - come on Steve, can't you ever show off those pearly whites)

The girls passed out on the train ride

Saturday evening we were looking forward to enjoying a family night at home carving pumpkins and making spider treats!  The girls wouldn't attempt to clean out the pumpkins (coming from the girls who pick their noses and compare boogies).  They had a great time stabbing the pumpkins though. 

Our finished pumpkins

Sunday was our annual Boo at the Zoo trip with the usual crew.  It was a gorgeous day and always entertaining to see the costumes!

Steve and Chris the milkshake
(Steve was a good sport to dress up and Brooklynn was so excited for his costume - she was bragging to everyone about it.  Sure glad I get to be the dorky mom sometimes.....)

All the kids - soon to outnumber adults.....eek!

Family pic - gotta be one of my fave costumes together - so what will we do to top it next year? 

Had to get in the carousel ride before we left with Gabby the Bee

And to think Halloween hasn't even come yet!  Wow!  I sure will be a little relieved when it's all over, a short breath and then bring on the holiday season!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October Birthdays, Pumpkins, and Goodies!

October always feels like the craziest month of the year!  I think our October weekend calendar was filled up back in August.  It's the month with all the fall and Halloween activities, but it's also the last opportunity to squeeze in those outdoor activities before the snow hits!  So as soon as we returned from Virginia Beach we had to kick it in gear and get our social game on!

Last weekend we went to Gabby's 2nd birthday at the WOW Museum - always a favorite!  Brooklynn sprinted right to the costume section!

 Sitting with the birthday girl
 Playing some tunes
 *I wished I would've gotten a pic of Gabby and Chandler.  They're only 2 weeks apart, and they almost look like they could be sisters.

Then on Sunday we had the Hepp girls over for dinner and our annual cookie decorating.  The cookies were much more successful this year - Chandler and Kaitlyn were able to help a little, but mostly ate the frosting.  The older girls rocked it!

Yesterday the whole herd of us took the kids to Mile High Farms in Bennett.  I know, Bennett, of all places!  It's actually a really neat place with lots for the kids to do.  I wish we had the stuff growing up that Bennett has now - a rec center, a King Soopers, and a McDonalds.  I hardly can recognize the place!

The kids had a blast!  It's just always so fun to see them all together!
 In the jumpy house
 Talking to the pirate (Yes, they have a pirate theme out there and a huge pirate ship just off the highway)
 The girls and Owen
 Just me and my girls (Steve stayed home to watch Tebow's debut)
 Bless her!  She had to try to carry every pumpkin

 We're ready to go now!

Next up:  Lots of Halloween activities - I think the girls will be in costume for 5 days straight....Whew!  Sounds like lots of laundry to me!