

Monday, October 24, 2011

October Birthdays, Pumpkins, and Goodies!

October always feels like the craziest month of the year!  I think our October weekend calendar was filled up back in August.  It's the month with all the fall and Halloween activities, but it's also the last opportunity to squeeze in those outdoor activities before the snow hits!  So as soon as we returned from Virginia Beach we had to kick it in gear and get our social game on!

Last weekend we went to Gabby's 2nd birthday at the WOW Museum - always a favorite!  Brooklynn sprinted right to the costume section!

 Sitting with the birthday girl
 Playing some tunes
 *I wished I would've gotten a pic of Gabby and Chandler.  They're only 2 weeks apart, and they almost look like they could be sisters.

Then on Sunday we had the Hepp girls over for dinner and our annual cookie decorating.  The cookies were much more successful this year - Chandler and Kaitlyn were able to help a little, but mostly ate the frosting.  The older girls rocked it!

Yesterday the whole herd of us took the kids to Mile High Farms in Bennett.  I know, Bennett, of all places!  It's actually a really neat place with lots for the kids to do.  I wish we had the stuff growing up that Bennett has now - a rec center, a King Soopers, and a McDonalds.  I hardly can recognize the place!

The kids had a blast!  It's just always so fun to see them all together!
 In the jumpy house
 Talking to the pirate (Yes, they have a pirate theme out there and a huge pirate ship just off the highway)
 The girls and Owen
 Just me and my girls (Steve stayed home to watch Tebow's debut)
 Bless her!  She had to try to carry every pumpkin

 We're ready to go now!

Next up:  Lots of Halloween activities - I think the girls will be in costume for 5 days straight....Whew!  Sounds like lots of laundry to me!

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