Two weeks ago Kennedy turned one. Party stats:
1. location - pool (on a hot day was perfect!)
2. theme - bright flowers
3. goody bags - great tattoos, curvy straws, and candy goodies!
4. dessert - colored cupcakes! (parents compared poo colors later)
Great party with great food. Laurel knows how to keep the kids happy as well as the adults with the delicious food.
Eating their cupcakes
BFFs (Yes Brooklynn has discovered she usually sports a wedgie and now will ask us to fix her wedgie)
The little peanut eating her big cupcake
Last weekend was Julian's 1st birthday party. The kids had a blast at the park/playground and pretending to be dogs.
Party stats:
location - Broomfield park
theme - puppy party (so cute! the kids had ears, listened to "Who Let the Dogs Out", and ate PB & J biscuits)
goody bags - stuffed dog, candy, more tattoos
dessert - assortment of cupcakes, cake, and some delicious parfaits (and my favorite, puppy chow)
A cupcake just Julian's size
Chris's homemade dog house
Caught them sneaking a glance at the desserts
Eating from doggy bowls
All the kids (I know it's not great, but getting all 10 kids to sit together was an accomplishment)
The best part of this party was the theme with the decorations and favors - the girls are still playing with the ears and acting like dogs.
Whew! We'll have a few more birthdays soon, but of course, we always love to get together with our friends and get the kids together for some fun too!