

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Isn't it Ironic.....

So when  your babies are born you always have this vision of what kind of person they'll be.  Steve and I were sure we were going to have some athletes on our hands - softball for the girls, soccer for the boys (if those ever come.....)  How could we have anything else with ESPN constantly on the tube and the dinner conversations revolving around the Rockies?  Boy were we wrong!  It turns out kids have their own personalities.  That nature vs. nurture debate in Psychology 101 always pops into my mind now!  Our little Brooklynn would rather twirl in a fluffy dress while she dances in front of a mirror than ever pick up a baseball bat.  Although it freaked us out a little at first we've come to love fostering her interests and watch her creative juices flow.  I truly believe you learn more from people who are different, and she's finally teaching me how to be a "girly girl".

Who knows what the future holds for our little dancing queen..I mean I HATED P.E. until 2nd grade, so we may just have a star athlete on our hands, but if we don't we'll be there at every recital, cheer competition (ugghh) or whatever she desires to do!

  She even had to be a purple dragon
 Loving her mirror time
 At dance class with daddy (As you can see I'm not even very good at dressing her girly, but we'll get better)

*She just finished her last "parent & tot" dance class, so next week we'll start the combo tap/ballet class on her own.  She became such a leader in her dance class, so hopefully she carries the momentum to the next class and rocks it!

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