Those of you who know me, know I'm not much of a "church person", but we've been going back to Flatirons Church more recently. I like this church, because they welcome anyone and everyone, and the pastor, Jim, teaches life lessons while incorporating religion. Last week the service was about being a father and what that meant. As Jim read aloud his "checklist" of how to be a good dad, I was sitting there thinking how Steve has mastered these and how lucky we are to have him as a husband and dad.
One of Jim's points was to spend "a large quantity of quality time with your kids". This has been a priority for Steve from the get-go. He works early, so he can get off work early and spend lots of time with us. I know he could go out and get a big corporate managerial job, but he chooses his job for the family.
Jim's last point was to "teach our sons, protect our daughters." I know this won't be tough for Steve to do, especially when the real time comes. He's already establishing some rules for the girls - no bikinis, no ear piercings, and no marrying princes!
The girls absolutely adore their daddy (even though they're with mommy all day). I know we'll have obstacles along the way of raising kids, especially girls, but knowing they have a supportive, sometimes tough, dad is reassuring. We're thankful to have our wonderful dad!
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