

Friday, March 9, 2012

Just a small town girl....

A couple weeks ago an old friend from Bennett passed away.  As I saw the flood of posts on Facebook from the Bennett crew, my heart broke for his wife, son, and unborn son due anyday.  It also made me think a lot about memories I had of him, as well as all my Bennett peeps.  Even though I hadn't spoken to Sean since high school, I felt like I remembered him like I had seen him yesterday.

Steve and I have had many conversations about where we'd ultimately like to raise our kids, mostly considering where they'd go to school.  In a perfect world I would move to a small town to raise them.  I had an amazing experience growing up in a small town.  I loved that we could just ride our bikes to the grocery store.  We could cruise the town when we got our drivers' licenses without hitting a light.  Although it wasn't always easy having everyone know your business, the friends and memories we made were the best!  A group of us have known each other since kindergarten, and although we don't get together often enough, when we do I cherish the times.  I've known these people since we were 5 years old and now we're all starting our own families and watching our kids play together. 

Although I've made new friends along the way (some really great ones), I will always have a special bond with the Bennett crew.  No matter how much time goes by before I see them again they're always in my mind, and I hope one day our girls will find that strong bond with a group of friends.  Maybe we'll find that "perfect" place to raise kids but until then we're enjoying where we're at. 

Our Senior Trip to Mexico - last group pic of all of us!

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