

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Times Goes by Way Too Fast!

Where has the time gone?  It's hard to believe our little Addi bug is already 2 months old!  Within the last month she's changed so much - she now smiles all the time and loves to hear her voice.  I think she already understands she's going to have to speak up to be heard in this house!

I took her to her 2 month check-up today, and she was awesome!  The nurse said she felt so bad giving her shots, because she was all smiles for the nurse.  She's extremely healthy and doing great developmentally and continues to be extra long and lean.  Maybe the model of the family.......hmmmm.....

Weight - 12 pounds (56th percentile)
Length - 24.25 inches (97th percentile - WOW!)

Milestones:  Smiles, coos, holds head up pretty well, smiles when she sees us (getting out of bed, etc.),

Here's a few 2 month pics of our baby:

 Look at those model legs!

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