When I decided to take a break from teaching to stay home with the kids I knew everything was about to change. Instead of grading papers at night I'd be able to just relax with the family. Instead of always stressing about other people's kids I could focus on my own and their many issues. What I didn't expect was some of the reactions I hear from other people about staying home. I guess I viewed it as a privilege that any mom would do if able to, but I was wrong.
The reactions from people have been all over the board. It seems as if most "older" people praise our decision, saying I'll never regret staying home, even if I'm missing out on some possible career opportunities. But it seems like the "younger" generation has different views. Here's some of the most irritating things I've heard:
1. "I don't know how you do it."
Now this may sound like a compliment, but it's usually followed by, "I need adult interaction. Being with my kids all day would drive me crazy." Now I should respond, "I don't know how you work", but that just seems rude.
2. "Don't you feel like you've wasted your education?"
This wasn't actually said to me, but rather to Steve. The nerve of some people, huh? I'm sure others think it and haven't said it though. Education is never a waste! How could "acquiring knowledge" ever be wasteful? I worked hard to get my Master's degree, and it helped in my career and will help again later. I'm just glad I did it before kids, because I'd have no motivation to get it now.
3. "You're so lucky you get to stay home."
This has been said innocently enough, but it is not "luck" that got us into this position. It's been a matter of getting our education, finding jobs, saving money, and planning for our future. We've made sacrifices to live on one income - no fancy new cars, no big houses, and no Coach purses for mommy (maybe someday though).
Whew! I feel a little better now.
It's important not to judge people and their decisions they make for their family. We all do the best that we can for our families, and there's no right or wrong way. I personally love staying home with my girls and try not to stress about getting back into my career. Life is so short and these years go by so fast. I have plenty of time to get back to teaching and worrying about other people's kids, but I'll stick with mine for now.