

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Girls' Night Out

A couple weeks ago we were able to check off another bucket list item - Canvas and Cocktails.  I had heard how much fun it is and how ANYONE can paint a masterpiece, even those of us who are artistically challenged.  And they even throw wine in the mix to complicate it more.
But they were right - we all painted a masterpiece called "Starry Denver", and it was a blast.  The "host" was hilarious and the environment was laid-back and fun.  Hopefully we'll be back, and I'll have some new art for the house.
 Our masterpieces
 Finally done!

And now it's on display in our foyer.  Feel free to stop by and take a picture (no flash cameras please).

Monday, September 24, 2012

Our Growing Garden

Our garden has been great again this summer!  We've been enjoying lots of zucchini and tomatoes, green beans, and finished up the lettuce, cucumber, and strawberries.  It's always an adventure seeing what grows well, what doesn't, and figuring out how to improve for next year.  This year we still had too many zucchini, even though we only had 3 plants. 
Our crazy zucchini (probably have had about 100 zucchini total).  There's only so much zucchini bread you can make.....

Here's our overgrown tomatoes.  Each year we buy new supports, but they never seem to hold up to our "super tomatoes".  We're not complaining though - they are amazingly yummy.  This year the girls have enjoyed picking and eating the cherry tomatoes.  They've become quite the gardeners!
 Our largest tomato - actually the largest I've ever seen.  Our beefsteaks have been so yummy too!
 We've enjoyed the garden so much, we figured we should add more garden boxes, so this weekend Steve started building two more boxes.  Woohoo!  Next year we'll add onions and potatoes!  The bigger the garden, the better!
We're still waiting to see how the pumpkins do.  One of the plants has died, but we have another holding on and growing like crazy.  We've had a few pumpkins, but they rot out before they ripen.  So bummed, because I was most looking forward to the pumpkins and freezing it for pie, pancakes, and bread.  Maybe next year.........

Our VA Family

A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to have a visit from Aunt Patti and Uncle Larry (whom we visited last fall in Virginia Beach) on their way through to Yellowstone.  The girls had been anticipating their arrival for a week - they remembered how much fun we had visiting them.  They were a little disappointed to not see Evan and Jordan (their grandkids), but recovered quickly! 
After visiting Colorado they left for Yellowstone and then to South Dakota.  They've been traveling in their "pimpin" RV around the country, enjoying retirement.  Steve and I have decided that's what we'll be doing as soon as we can afford to retire!  We're happy for them and excited to hear about all their adventures.
Larry & Patti and the girls (Larry put Adaley to sleep - so sweet)

 With grandma and grandpa

Friday, September 21, 2012

Don't Say It!

When I decided to take a break from teaching to stay home with the kids I knew everything was about to change.  Instead of grading papers at night I'd be able to just relax with the family.  Instead of always stressing about other people's kids I could focus on my own and their many issues.  What I didn't expect was some of the reactions I hear from other people about staying home.  I guess I viewed it as a privilege that any mom would do if able to, but I was wrong.

The reactions from people have been all over the board.  It seems as if most "older" people praise our decision, saying I'll never regret staying home, even if I'm missing out on some possible career opportunities.  But it seems like the "younger" generation has different views.  Here's some of the most irritating things I've heard:

1.  "I don't know how you do it."
Now this may sound like a compliment, but it's usually followed by, "I need adult interaction.  Being with my kids all day would drive me crazy."  Now I should respond, "I don't know how you work", but that just seems rude.

2.  "Don't you feel like you've wasted your education?"
This wasn't actually said to me, but rather to Steve.  The nerve of some people, huh?  I'm sure others think it and haven't said it though.  Education is never a waste!  How could "acquiring knowledge" ever be wasteful?  I worked hard to get my Master's degree, and it helped in my career and will help again later.  I'm just glad I did it before kids, because I'd have no motivation to get it now.

3.  "You're so lucky you get to stay home."
This has been said innocently enough, but it is not "luck" that got us into this position.  It's been a matter of getting our education, finding jobs, saving money, and planning for our future.  We've made sacrifices to live on one income - no fancy new cars, no big houses, and no Coach purses for mommy (maybe someday though). 

Whew!  I feel a little better now. 

It's important not to judge people and their decisions they make for their family.  We all do the best that we can for our families, and there's no right or wrong way.  I personally love staying home with my girls and try not to stress about getting back into my career.  Life is so short and these years go by so fast.  I have plenty of time to get back to teaching and worrying about other people's kids, but I'll stick with mine for now.

Monday, September 17, 2012

4 Months

I know it's cliche, but I can't believe she's gotten so big so fast.  Adaley has been rolling all over the place.  She'll roll from back to tummy and get stuck and then cries.  If she can't roll back she'll just sleep on her belly. 
Adaley has been sleeping awesome at night from 8 to 7:30ish.  No complaints here!  She's still the smiliest little bug - always excited to see her sisters.  She loves to be held and cuddled, which we don't mind since she's our last little baby!  She loves sitting in her Bumbo, playing in the gym, and just started standing in the exersaucer.
We went to the doc last week and everything went well.  She got a little fever from the shots but recovered quickly.
Length - 25.5" (88th percentile)
Weight - 13 lb 6 oz (34th percentile)
Now we're working on fattening up our little bug a little.......

Sunday, September 16, 2012

San Fran Again

Steve's annual work conference took us back to the "City by the Bay" this year - no fun adult Vegas trip!  The big kids stayed with grandma and grandpa for the weekend, but we toted Adaley around the city for the weekend.  Steve stayed the week and had a great time partying with his vendors - even went to a Bon Jovi concert.  So jealous! 
Our short weekend was full of cold, windy San Fran weather (which seems to always be the case), lots of yummy Italian food, and even a visit with Aunt Peg and Uncle Dana.  We had no plans, which was somewhat relaxing, but we regretted not planning a trip to Monterey.  We've been there too many times to just do the tourist stuff again.  Maybe next year and no kids.....
At the Ferry Building

Each night we took Adaley along to a nice Italian North Beach restaurant.  And each night, without fail, she melted down as the food was served.  We even switched up the times to outsmart her.  No luck!

Token tourist pic in front of the sea lions on Pier 39
So cold!
This just made me laugh!  Steve a.k.a. Alan from Hangover
Love her expression (reminds me of Brooklynn as a baby)
After traveling to each coast in a month, Adaley's schedule was off.  Luckily it only took a few days to get back to sleeping through the night.  Now we just have to work on the "holding and walking" issue.  As soon as Steve walks in the door after work she wants to be held and walked by him.  Does he give in?  Of course.  Every time.  Proof she is the baby!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back to School

Last week Brooklynn started back to school after a long summer break.  It was sad to see her go and spend 3 less weekday mornings with her but exciting to watch her excitement for school.  She has a new teacher, which I was worried she wouldn't adjust well to the transition but figured it'd be good for her, since she'll be doing it every year.  She was nervous to have a new teacher and having to meet all new friends.
Come game day she was all excitement - nerves gone!  She had a great day, liked her new teacher, and met new friends, and showed off her new kicks.  She's so grown up!
 Even daddy was there
(Chandler started ballet/tap class too)
In Mrs. B's classroom

We had been going back and forth whether to send Chandler to school (since she's only 2).  She's been so ready socially and intellectually, but we didn't want to push her to grow up too fast.  We found a reasonable solution - preschool one day a week at Brooklynn's school with other 2 year-olds.  She was ecstatic to start school, but had a little breakdown when I dropped her off.  It lasted a couple minutes and then she was right in the middle of the class.

Although it's a little sad to see them grow up, it's more rewarding to watch them become little independent ladies making friends on their own and interacting with other kids.  They're so stinkin' cute!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Keeping in Shape

I absolutely hate being pregnant!  The worst part is gaining that extra weight and knowing you'll eventually have to work it off.  Being in shape is fun,  but getting there is torture!  After I had Chandler I found an exhilaration in running and got slightly addicted (not totally....no marathons or anything).  It became my relaxing quiet time away to myself.  I was looking forward to finding that "place" after Adaley was born, but in case not, I set some goals early.
First was to complete a run this summer.  When Amanda asked me to do the Survivor Mud Run with her I thought it was perfect - 2 months to recover and get in shape, and I had never done a mud run, but they're all the rage!  After the boys decided to join us I had faith I could do it - Steve's always been a good motivator.  With temps in the high 90s I knew we were in for it.  Luckily, the mud really cools you off, so the heat didn't affect us, and we were able to completely run the 3.5 mile course with obstacles - monkey bars, mud pits, and even a climbing rope wall.
The mud run was a blast.  I was skeptical of enjoying the mud and the nastiness, but it was refreshing!  We'll be doing another one for sure next summer!

Another one on my list - hike another 14er.  Last summer we hiked Mt. Democrat with a group of friends and really regretted not continuing to do another in the same day.  So this time we decided to hike Mt. Greys and Mt. Torreys, which are close together and everyone seems to knock them both out in one day.  It was a LONG hike (9 miles roundtrip) and grueling to get to the top of Greys.  I forgot how tough of a climb it is!  After we summitted Greys we planned on getting down - no Torreys.  But after we descended so quickly we were determined to get both done.  So the Deegans and Steve and I trekked the hugh slope and made it!  So glad we did both this time.  Of course my body was hating me for days.  And to think they were both classified as "easy".  We'll try another one next summer after I forgot the toll it takes on my body.

Group shot at the top of Greys
Our "prom" pick + one fill-in stranger

Summit of Torreys
2 in a day......now what?

Although it's been tough to stay motivated and find the time to keep active with 3 I'll just keep trying to push myself and work towards my goals.  Maybe a half marathon sometime?   Hmmmmm.......