

Monday, September 17, 2012

4 Months

I know it's cliche, but I can't believe she's gotten so big so fast.  Adaley has been rolling all over the place.  She'll roll from back to tummy and get stuck and then cries.  If she can't roll back she'll just sleep on her belly. 
Adaley has been sleeping awesome at night from 8 to 7:30ish.  No complaints here!  She's still the smiliest little bug - always excited to see her sisters.  She loves to be held and cuddled, which we don't mind since she's our last little baby!  She loves sitting in her Bumbo, playing in the gym, and just started standing in the exersaucer.
We went to the doc last week and everything went well.  She got a little fever from the shots but recovered quickly.
Length - 25.5" (88th percentile)
Weight - 13 lb 6 oz (34th percentile)
Now we're working on fattening up our little bug a little.......

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