It seems like just yesterday she was this:
And now she's this:
I've always said that I'll feel like my children are not babies anymore, but kids when they turn 5. With Brooklynn reaching that milestone in a little over a week, I have to come to the realization that I'll have a kid. A couple weeks ago I took my first steps to letting go - registering her for kindergarten. I'm so excited for her new adventure but, selfishly, sad to not have her home with me a couple days a week. I'll miss our morning playdates, going to the museum, and just sleeping in and cuddling on those blistery mornings!
A week before registration started I overheard a mom at preschool talking to another mom about testing her child to get into the local G/T (gifted & talented) school. I did the "freak out". Definition - what a new mom does right before kindergarten realizing you have to choose what school to go to and scared to make the wrong choice! It feels like if you make the wrong choice your child is doomed! It's the equivalent of looking at a college for your kid, but it's only kindergarten, right?
Of course I had thought about this for months and asked around, but I've never felt totally confident in my decision to send her to our local public school. I mean,
it's a I've heard it's a great school and it's super close to us (I've always wanted to be able to walk her to school). I mean, Steve and I went to our local public schools and turned out ok, right? But now there's so much pressure getting them into G/T schools or charter schools. Uggghhhh......
But what makes a great school? Some would say test scores. Some would say parent involvement. Some would say the teachers. As a teacher you'd think I'd know the answer to this, but nope! We'll attend the open house and do our best to be involved, but the only way we'll truly know is by sending her there and see how it goes!
As parents we're trying to do what's best for our kids, and in my heart I know what's best for Brooklynn. Going to school everyday is going to be a tough adjustment (she doesn't do well with transitions). There's no way she'd be able to handle an all-day program (like the G/T schools have). It's going to be important for her to make friends (and it's going to be easier to have neighborhood friends). So I need to quiet the voices of all the other parents in my head and work on getting her ready academically and emotionally and most importantly, make sure she has a great year and a great start to her educational experience.
*Maybe I'll bookmark this post to return to on a regular basis.