

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Stock Show is here!

Although we never actually made it to the stock show, we still participated in a few festivities to celebrate the western heritage of Denver.  We went to the opening parade downtown with Grandma.  The forecast was for 60 degree weather, but they were completely off (surprise surprise).  Luckily I had packed warm stuff just in case, because it was much needed!  Some of the kids there were in skirts with no coats.  Poor kids!

The girls were so excited to see the "cowboy princesses".  That's now the highlight - not the cows and horses.  Oh well....guess you expect that with so many girls!  After we endured the cold temps we headed to McD's on the 16th Street mall for some lunch.  

Our Buggy all bundled up and looking quite happy
Even the cold couldn't keep her spirits down
The Longhorns to kick off the parade
Pointing out the cowgirl princesses to Magra

Brooklynn's school had a "Stock Show Day", so she was excited to dress-up like a cowgirl princess!  I was shocked how great all the kids looked in their western gear.  I guess even in Thornton we are a little country.
Sisterly Love

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