

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

11 Months

Our little big bug is getting so close to the year milestone.  We're most proud that we haven't had any choking accidents on Barbie toys, only a few tumbles down the stairs, and have actually raised a fairly-normal baby in a crazy household.  Of course she is the loudest of everyone, but I guess you'd have to be vocal to get some attention around here.  She continues to crawl EVERYWHERE, including bolting to the stairs the first chance she gets.  She cruises on all the furniture, but is a little timid to take steps on her own so far.

She's been by far our pickiest eater.  Both girls have always been awesome eaters, but stubborn Addy refuses to touch most fruits and veggies.  Maybe this will change once we're able to bribe her.  Until then she'll be on a mostly milk diet, but she's still plumping up.

Monkey see......Monkey do
She has learned to clap when we prompt her with a "Yeah".  She gives open-mouthed kisses on command (or when she's feeling lovey).  She'll also wave bye-bye (of course with her hand facing herself).  I always love when babies do that!

Taking her places is getting more and more difficult.  She hates to sit in the cart at the store.  This week I was pushing the huge car cart in King Soopers, while holding Adaley and running into everything!  I know people must've been talking.......  She can only sit in the stroller for a limited time before she needs out to crawl and explore.  

Adaley continues to charm strangers.  She just smiles at everyone with that dimple, and I think they melt just a little.  She's very friendly to everyone (at a distance), but only wants mommy or daddy to hold her.  I even had a couple of teenagers come up to me and tell me how cute she is. 

 Still inseparable from that blankie
 She's not touching those green beans!

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