

Monday, June 3, 2013

1 Year!

It's hard to believe our little bug is already one - just seems like yesterday we were anxiously awaiting his her arrival.  Although in hindsight it seems so fast, at times it has felt like time has been moving at a snail's pace. Adaley is an angel of a baby, but with 3 little ones, it can be stressful!

Here's what our little girl is up to:

Grub - She's gotten SO picky!  Both of the other girls have always been great eaters, but Addy won't touch anything that's healthy (or so it seems).  She hates most fruits and all veggies.  Unfortunately at this age there's not much to do - no bribing yet.  She does loves mac & cheese, any meat, avocado, and could live off milk alone.  Frustrating for a mom trying to be healthy.....

She still only has 2 bottom teeth.  I'm always amazed at what she can eat with just those 2 little teefers!

Blabber - Addy's favorite word is "hi".  She loves to say hi to anyone and everyone.  The other day she was practically yelling "hi" to anyone we passed on our bike ride.  She also says "mama" and "dada" and has started repeating some words, mostly by following the syllables.

Moving around - We thought for sure Addy would be walking real young watching her older sisters.  Not the case!  Although she's been cruising forever, she just started having a desire to start trying to walk.  However, she does love to climb!

Dr. checkup
Height - 31.5" (100th percentile - off the charts)
Weight - 22.8 lb (84th percentile)

Still long but not so lean........Then came the 5 shots.  Poor girl!

*Pics to come...........

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