

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Little Miss Independent

The last few weeks have really been fun watching Addy walk even better (although she still looks a little tipsy) and becoming more independent - just wanting to be a big kid.  Up until now we've dragged her around to all our favorite places, but she hasn't been too interested in participating.  But now...she's a girl on a mission - climbing up anything and everything, going down slides herself, and even pushing her sisters out of her way.  It's been so much fun watching her have a blast everywhere!

Our nightly "buggy" races down the driveway
 She absolutely LOVES the jumpy house
 She even rides the car at the WOW museum

This is an amazing time for her as she's starting to learn a few words, pointing to everything she wants, and just  tearing up discovering the house.  I guess she won't be my tag-along shopping buddy anymore!

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