Chandler was excited to have yet another birthday party with the family. It seems like these birthdays are always such a production in our house, but it's ok, because the girls love it! We decided we'd better have her favorite - pepperoni pizza. After dinner - cake and presents, followed by horse rides from Cousin Damon. Another party down!
Chandler's cake request (because Kenz is a hula girl)
Opening gifts
Great way to end the party!
Monday was her actual birthday, so we had some hot dogs for dinner (another favorite) and opened gifts.
Last, but not least, was her classroom birthday celebration on Tuesday. So after 3 weeks it was over, but she's been having a ball playing with all her new toys!
Four years is when they start feeling "old" to me, so it's a little bittersweet. Wonderful to watch them become "little people" but sad to no longer have my baby.
Milestones this Year
1. Made her own friends at school (This is big because she's always had the same friends as Brooklynn)
2. Learned how to cross the monkey bars all by herself
3. Started writing her name and reading sight words
4. Has amazing fashion sense - always chooses her own clothes and can button, zip, everything
Over the past couple months we've watched Chandler really blossom into a big kid. Her teacher at school said her transformation has been amazing - she went from a girl crying at drop-off to being everyone's friend and the teacher's helper. At home we've seen a complete shift as well. She's been so sweet and delightful and seems so mature. While she still has her Boston accent (thank God), our little girl is getting so big! We love you to death Cheeseball and can't wait to see what the future holds for you!
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