

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Little Sophistication

This year I was faced with the possibility of taking my girls to the Nutcracker Ballet.  Now, I'm not one who particularly enjoys ballets, and I was honestly somewhat dreading the day they'd ask to go.  Then we were stumped on what to get our tween niece for Christmas when we're so out of the loop.  I wanted to do something with her (back to our "stuff" post), so I thought I could stomach men prancing around in tights for a couple hours, since she loves the Nutcracker.  So we went out to a hip restaurant for lunch before heading to our nosebleed seats at the ballet.  It was, surprisingly, lots of fun and such a nice time to spend with Kenz.  She is such an amazing kid in every way - she's so sweet and will play with our girls for hours.  She's never "too cool" for anything!  
Our Instagram Selfie (such a hip aunt)

Brooklynn was invited to a roller skating party at school, and since she had never been before and her reputation was on the line (haha) we thought we should do a trial run the weekend before.  So Kenz came up to join us.  Again, she was never embarrassed by her hunched-over, wall-hugging aunt or her 5 year-old cousin struggling to get it down.  We had so much fun again with Kenz and hope we can do more skating trips!  
#mylittlesweetskaters (really cool aunt now)

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