

Monday, May 19, 2014

Crazy Weekend of Fun

We knew we were in for a crazy weekend with the Thompsons flying in, a 40th anniversary party to host, 2 birthdays, and Mother's Day.  Whew!  We can't complain though - we like it that way!  Steve took Friday off since Brooklynn didn't have school so we could get our science nerd on!  We bought a Dinosaur Ridge membership in the fall and hadn't used it yet, so we were excited to take the kiddos there.  The weather wasn't very warm, but the tour was nice and the kids had fun.  Of course they don't appreciate the coolness factor of the fossils, but they will someday!
Adaley in front of a crocodile track
Holding up the mountain (The bulge is actually the bottom of a dinosaur footprint).  It was awesome to see that view of the footprint!
They let the kids excavate some fossils and keep one.  Brooklynn chose the nautilus and Chandler the bivalve.  They were pretty stoked about that!
So proud of my science nerds!

That evening we hosted a 40th anniversary party for Mark and Charlotte with a 70's theme.  It was awesome to see the great costumes!
Jan & Forney
Charmaine and Callen
The girls have him wrapped around their fingers!
Wish I would've had a pic of Steve's white polyester pants!

Josh & Callen
She's sooooo groovy

Happy couple

Saturday morning we celebrated Callen's 1st birthday and Ady's 2nd.  She didn't mind sharing her birthday this year, but we'll see about next year.

Showing Aunt Jan her artwork

Already a princess!

Callen took it easy on the cupcake this time!
Thankful we didn't have any burnt fingers

Sunday morning I woke up to the sweetest family making me breakfast and then showering me with gifts.  My only request for the day is a bike ride and plant flowers.  Unfortunately it was snowy and cold this year, so I was a little bummed we were stuck inside. At least it was a good day to cuddle.

The girls each made homemade gifts at school, which were my favorite!  I think Mother's Day gets a little better each year, as they are just so sweet and the school gifts are amazing.  They're so proud of their work!  Brooklynn made a book for me, and I was in tears laughing!

My mom really likes to go to the gym.  My mom always forgets to bring the wipes.  My mom is happy when she gets her sleep.  My mom's favorite color is blue.  ( It's always funny to hear their perspective.  Guess I better spend some more time at home instead of at Jim's haha).
I love when my mom hugs me.  My favorite thing about my mom is she helps me with my homework.  My favorite things to do with my mom are going shopping with her.
My mother's hair is dark brown.  My mom's eyes are black.  She is as tall as my bunk bed.  My mom looks best when she wears lipstick (which I don't own, so I'm guessing she's throwing a hint).

My wonderful girls!

Although it was a busy weekend it was great to spend time with great family and friends.  It may seem cliche but I feel so lucky to be the mama of these 3 beautiful girls!  They are the best!

Friday, May 16, 2014

No Babies Anymore!

When we found out Adaley was our 3rd girl, not gonna lie - we were a little freaked out!  We really thought she'd be a boy and our family would be complete.  Then we were blessed with this sweet little girl that was such an easy baby.  It was difficult to transition from having 2 "big" kids who could sit through a movie, enjoy amusement parks, and were potty-trained to having a little one around.  We found ourselves having to get a sitter sometimes for her, so we could enjoy other activities with the big girls.  It seemed like we were just waiting for her to be a big kid with her sisters.  Now I feel like it's here, and it's a little bittersweet.  It's been awesome to see her interact copy them.  She can almost make it through an entire movie, is potty-trained (woohoo), and her vocabulary is expanding by the day.  While it's sad to say goodbye to the baby years we're looking forward to the next chapter as a family and our new adventures - camping trips, easier traveling, and amusement parks.  Even though we never had our boy, Adaley has completed our family in so many ways.  She's always making us laugh and has the best cuddles!  When she smiles at you with her little dimple, it makes you melt.  Love you Bug!

Ady's Milestones
Height - 38" (off the charts still)
Weight - 30 lb 4 oz (88th percentile)
Intellect - off the charts, of course.  Haha!  She's not much of a talker, but really understands EVERYTHING!  She seems to get away with "No, Ady, and right here", so why does she need to know anything else?

1.  Favorite foods - pizza, avocado, tomatoes, anything sweet!
2.  Favorite activities - attempting your sisters' puzzles, dancing and singing Frozen songs, playing outside (scooter, sidewalk chalk, bike), reading
3.  Favorite characters - Obsessed with Elmo and Dora, although she's never sat for more than 5 minutes to watch
4.  How she makes us laugh - She ate a Roly Poly the other day accidentally, and we were cracking up.  Then she pooped her pants at dinner just for a laugh.  What a clown!
5.  Favorite music - "Anna" music from Frozen, Five Little Monkeys, the Wheels on the Bus
6.  Nicknames - We usually call you "Ady" now, because you can say that one.  Although she's still our              "Bug, Bubba, and Bubby."

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Our No-So-Little Keiki

Last week was Kenz's annual Lei Day celebration, in which they prepare all year for.  It's always fun to see her dance, and the girls are amazed at her moves.  Chandler is determined to be a hula dancer now.  When the little keikis come on stage it always reminds me of Kenz doing that, being 3 years old and the entire audience oohing and ahhing at them. Now they're the big kids who people are wooing at!

Her first number (I refrained from running out and throwing a shirt over her)
 Poi balls (which she is so talented at)
 What the girls looked like for most of the show (except Chandler's extremely bored look).  The show even captured Ady's attention for most of it.  Amazing!

 She couldn't resist when they had a dance with audience participation
 Cousin love after the show

Monday, May 5, 2014

Our Little Athletes

When we heard Brooklynn's school was hosting a mini kids triathlon we just knew we had to participate!  Of course Steve and I were much more excited than the girls (especially Brooklynn).  Although Brooklynn is active and loves to play outside, she doesn't enjoy exerting herself and getting sweaty.  (Of course when I was her age I dreaded P.E. class, so she may change).  Then came the dreary weather forecast - cold and rainy!  We knew we were in for some major complaining!

We left Ady at home, because we wanted to make sure we could participate with both girls.  We started our journey by biking to the aquatic center in the cold, wet wind.  We were surprised to see so many kids and families participating.  Then it was go time.  Brooklynn only swam, because Chandler just hates to wear a life vest, and we knew it'd be disastrous.  

Getting ready.......
 Brooklynn was awesome at the swimming portion (with daddy by her side)
 Then it was off to the bikes and riding in the cold with wet hair.  Uh oh!  Brooklynn and Steve left us in the dust, but Chandler did so well on her tiny bike with training wheels.  It was a lot of pedaling for her tiny legs!
After biking a half-mile or so, they had to run around the school, which Brooklynn, again, did with ease.  As she crossed the finish line she received her medal, which she was so proud of and even wore to school the next day.  

I was so proud of the girls and their tenacity.  Brooklynn was even one of the top finishers for her age!  It always seems that when you underestimate kids they somehow surprise you!  It was a great family event and we can't wait until next year's race.  Maybe next year we'll add some training sessions.