

Friday, May 16, 2014

No Babies Anymore!

When we found out Adaley was our 3rd girl, not gonna lie - we were a little freaked out!  We really thought she'd be a boy and our family would be complete.  Then we were blessed with this sweet little girl that was such an easy baby.  It was difficult to transition from having 2 "big" kids who could sit through a movie, enjoy amusement parks, and were potty-trained to having a little one around.  We found ourselves having to get a sitter sometimes for her, so we could enjoy other activities with the big girls.  It seemed like we were just waiting for her to be a big kid with her sisters.  Now I feel like it's here, and it's a little bittersweet.  It's been awesome to see her interact copy them.  She can almost make it through an entire movie, is potty-trained (woohoo), and her vocabulary is expanding by the day.  While it's sad to say goodbye to the baby years we're looking forward to the next chapter as a family and our new adventures - camping trips, easier traveling, and amusement parks.  Even though we never had our boy, Adaley has completed our family in so many ways.  She's always making us laugh and has the best cuddles!  When she smiles at you with her little dimple, it makes you melt.  Love you Bug!

Ady's Milestones
Height - 38" (off the charts still)
Weight - 30 lb 4 oz (88th percentile)
Intellect - off the charts, of course.  Haha!  She's not much of a talker, but really understands EVERYTHING!  She seems to get away with "No, Ady, and right here", so why does she need to know anything else?

1.  Favorite foods - pizza, avocado, tomatoes, anything sweet!
2.  Favorite activities - attempting your sisters' puzzles, dancing and singing Frozen songs, playing outside (scooter, sidewalk chalk, bike), reading
3.  Favorite characters - Obsessed with Elmo and Dora, although she's never sat for more than 5 minutes to watch
4.  How she makes us laugh - She ate a Roly Poly the other day accidentally, and we were cracking up.  Then she pooped her pants at dinner just for a laugh.  What a clown!
5.  Favorite music - "Anna" music from Frozen, Five Little Monkeys, the Wheels on the Bus
6.  Nicknames - We usually call you "Ady" now, because you can say that one.  Although she's still our              "Bug, Bubba, and Bubby."

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