

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Easter.....so so long ago!

What can I say?  I'm so far behind, but I have a good excuse.  We've been finishing the basement and have been computer-less for the last month and a half.  So now that Steve hooked up the computer in our family room (uggghhh) I grabbed some pics to share.  I can't wait until our bedroom isn't piled with Christmas decorations and our living room with all our computer crap.  Like we needed more on our plate!
Anyway, I just love Easter time with the kids.  And of course they're always excited to decorate and hunt for eggs, get presents, and then wear their pretty dresses!  This year we celebrated Palm Sunday at Magra and Papa's the weekend before, but unfortunately it was a winter wonderland.  Then come next Sunday on Easter the weather is beautiful, sunny and warm.  That's Colorado for you.

Of course you have to eat the eggs when you're 2!  It's a great age to decorate and destroy the eggs.

 Our little artist working on the perfect egg

 Easter morning hunting for eggs
 Then it was off to Grandma Betsy's for Easter dinner with all the family - aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Here they are getting ready for the big hunt.  The stakes were high this year!

 Carlean and Kenz skaling the wall for an egg - this is serious business!

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