

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall Time is a Comin'......

With a relatively cool summer (by Colorado standards) I wasn't sure if fall would be too cold to enjoy all the activities.  When the girls were little we made sure to visit as many pumpkin patches, fall festivals, whatever to enjoy the spirit.  Now it seems like these places are taking advantage of the fall spirit and charging a mere fortunate just to jump on a bouncy house or run through a corn maze.  Now we're always looking for fun and affordable.

Last weekend we met up the Deegans for a fall festival in Denver.  Of course admission was free but each activity was overpriced and tough to say no to demanding kiddos.  The kids had the best time after we finished by playing with empty root beer bottles and making instruments.  Just goes to show you they don't need much to stay entertained!

The kids on the hayride
 Panning for gold

 Loving on Sawyer

On Tuesday I was searching for more fall activities and happened to see that the berry farm near us (which we never made it to this summer) was still open.  It was not only open but super busy with field trips.  The girls absolutely loved picking the raspberries (which were delicious).  We may need to make a trip back next week when the strawberries are ready.

 Picnic lunch with the chickens

Now onto finding more fun fall stuff to keep us busy!

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