

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Killin' It!

Most people know how stressful Brooklynn's kindergarten school year was - changing teachers, struggle to adapt to being away from us, and her difficulties with transitions throughout the day.  Her assessments showed zero growth until December, so we knew she was too stressed to even learn.  I don't remember a night when Steve and I weren't lying in bed discussing her day - good or bad.  It was just rough!  And I'm sure that it didn't help with her being the first to leave the nest.

This year has been a complete turnaround!  She has made so many friends, loves her teacher, and is finally enjoying school.  She has conquered a lot this past year, but enjoying school has been the toughest obstacle.

She has increased her reading level tremendously, and she's almost at a 2nd grade level.  She's working through her math struggles instead of giving up.  And her writing is awesome!  I just love reading her journal each month.

For her tenacity she was awarded student of the month for November.  Each month they choose a character trait and this one was perseverance.  Last year Brooklynn scored lowest in this category (yes, they assess this now....crazy).  She was known to give up when it got tough.  This year she works through it, figures it out, and is so proud of herself!  I truly believe perseverance is the most important quality in a good learner, and I'm ecstatic to see what the future holds for her.

We are so proud of you Boo Bear!

*Now we can focus our nightly talks about the trouble your sisters are getting into!

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