

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Camping Our Summer Away

Last summer was yet, another, summer full of camping - less than the last, but we made sure to choose some fun ones this year!

We started the camping season off at Turquoise Lake, which oddly enough I posted already.  (I am so behind but determined to catch up here soon!)

 We had another fun trip to Lake Dillon, complete with lots of friends and a boat!  The girls were ecstatic to see their good buddies, the Dunlaps, because it had been too long.  They have 3 kiddos all the same ages as ours, and they always pick up right where they left off, like not a day has gone by since they saw each other last.  It was one of my favorite spots, because we were within a short walk from the lake and an even shorter drive to Starbucks!  :-)

No trouble here!
 Out on the boat!

 An evening hike around the lake

Then there was camping with Magra and Papa near Rocky Mountain National Park, complete with deer and moose-seeking hikes and lots of rock climbing.
 You could always find Brooklynn in the hammock!

Our summer camping ended with a trip to Carter Lake with the Strayers, complete with yet another boat and lots of playtime with the kids.  

So although it was less camping than last year, we were able to experience it with some awesome peeps!  The girls still love going, and we love our quality family time we have when we're enjoying the outdoors.

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