

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Another great weekend of Christmas festivities! On Friday night Steve and I went Christmas shopping for the girls, dinner at Parisi (one of my faves), and then to the Nuggets game. We sat in the 3rd row at the game and got to see the players walk right past us. They actually did an interview with Chauncey Billups right in front of us and we were on T.V.! Pretty cool and they even won! Saturday morning was our annual "Girls' Lunch and Gift Exchange" for the kiddos. This year we did a recipe swap and all brought our favorite childhood book for the gift exchange. The kids had a great time - it's neat to watch them all play together and get along really well! Brooklynn & Chandler got "Angelina Ballerina" and "8 Little Monkeys". It was a little trip down memory lane with some of the books! It was rewarding to see the kids so excited for their books.

Kiley showing off her book!

Then we had to break out the crayons and coloring books - they're so big!

On Sunday morning we drove to mom's house for the annual cookie decorating with the Martins, Mukpiks, and Matt. The kids made some beautiful cookies - much better than the old ones with tons of frosting! Even Brooklynn attempted to frost and sprinkle them but the temptation to eat them was too much for her.

Sisterly love

All the kids (except Carlin)

Sunday evening we went to Jan and Forney's for an open house, because all their family was in town from Minnesota and Australia. Brooklynn was amazed by the train and all the Christmas decorations. It was great to see everyone!

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