

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's Almost Time......

We're now in countdown mode for the baby to get here!  We've been busy getting the baby stuff ready, trying to finish house projects, and enjoying our last weeks with only our girls. 

We had our follow-up 32-week ultrasound a month ago, and as expected, everything was normal with the baby's kidney.  All that worrying for nothing, but we were just relieved to hear the good news!  I was tempted to find out the sex, but Steve made sure to let the doc know we didn't want to know, so we're still in suspense!

Looks like baby is head down and ready to go!  Mommy is just as ready!  I'm getting extremely uncomfortable - the baby seems to be sitting low and putting lots of pressure on my pelvis.  Of course it's a whole new game being pregnant while taking care of the 2 girls.   Uggghhh!

We found out at our last appointment the doctor will induce by May 11th, but I'm expecting an earlier delivery anyway.  My guess is April 25th, so we'll see how close I get.  As far as sex, we continually go back and forth what we think.  Hopefully we'll have some new news sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

So excited for you!