

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Luckily we have had the most beautiful spring here in Colorado!  The weather has been hot, although unfortunately dry, and the wind hasn't been annoying.  We've had a great time enjoying the weather during the week and family time on the weekends.

Our beautiful tulips in bloom in the front yard

We spent Earth Day at the Botanic Gardens.  Last year they opened a great kids' garden that the girls absolutely love!  Again, the weather was beautiful!
 Even getting wet in the stream
 Dressing up as flowers

 On Monday night we went to our first Rockies game of the season.  Usually we avoid April games, as it's too chilly (especially for a night game).  Not this time!  I think we have some baseball fans on our hands.  They were so cute chanting "Go Tulo" and constantly asking where he was.  Of course their favorite part - their first cotton candy! 

I can't believe it's only the beginning of May, and we've already been able to do so much outdoors.  Should make for a fun summer (hopefully not too hot)!  Now if this baby would come, so we can have lots of family outdoors time!

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