We finally were able to dust off the sleds and go sledding a few weeks back (probably the only chance we'll have the rest of the season). We found a new hill not far from our house, with lots of kids taking advantage of the snow. The girls have been ecstatic about sledding, asking if we can go each time it snows. We all had a great time (except Adaley). Poor little girl was battling a cold, so we left her bundled up in her stroller, but she wanted to sit in the car, so I had to call it quits early, while Steve took out the girls for some more sledding. Chandler even ventured over to the "big kids hill" with daddy, and had a great time!
Brooklynn loved pushing us down
Mommy's turn
They started going on their own. They were so stinkin' cute!
Adaley and her snot-nose were there!