

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

10 Months!

The pics of Addy are few and far between, but we made sure to get some the other day when she was actually dressed (instead of her usual footy pjs).  It's been an exciting month for Addy.  She's learned to pull herself up onto anything and everything (including the toilet paper dispenser, uh oh).  She's started cruising and can actually get down independently (she used to cry and you had to set her down, because she was afraid of falling).  And the other day she actually popped a tooth, FINALLY!  She's still a girl on the go constantly - only sitting briefly to stuff her face!

She's getting better about the finger foods (again) and is perfecting the sippy cup.  Her favorite foods are mac & cheese, avocado, and sandwiches.  Her stranger anxiety is pretty high right now, so it's mostly mom and dad that can hold her.  Hopefully that'll pass soon.  She's still a happy easy-going baby who loves to play and just learned a new game - throwing the ball with daddy.  Maybe a softball player........

Here's some pics of our happy Bug:

And her new favorite game - throwing the ball!  She's actually gotten much better, but here's a video of one of her first tries.  Maybe a softball player?  I sure hope so!

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