

Friday, May 24, 2013

Finally.....a Boy!

Our new little nephew/cousin is here!  He was born May 9th (a few weeks early), and we can't wait to meet him.  The girls asked to fly to California right after he was born, because they're so excited to meet him.  He's a healthy little guy and mom and dad are very proud!
It's a little bittersweet, because we won't be able to meet him until August when we fly out to California.  Until then we'll have to enjoy lots of pics.
Little Callen
Happy Thompson Fam
*Brooklynn told Carrie, "There are now 3 Callens in the world - one at my school, my cousin, and daddy's friend (actually Alan)."  So we proudly welcome only the 3rd Callen - woo hoo!

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