

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

And She's Off to Kindergarten!

I feel like I blinked and now we have 2 kiddos in elementary school.  Yikes!  Chandler finished her preschool career with a cute end-of-year program full of singing, diplomas, and a kid ready to get to kindergarten.  Chandler started at TLC's PDO (parents day out) program as a 2 year-old who cried most days and secluded herself from the other kids but left a confident kid with a BFF and ready to conquer kindergarten, as the 2nd tallest in her class (which she would say has been her greatest accomplishment in preschool haha).

Being the 2nd one to go to elementary school we feel more prepared for what's to come and are working hard to get her even more prepared this summer!  She was very emotional leaving her classmates, teacher, school, and mostly her BFF Taylor, but we're confident she'll love kinder and will show the world how smart she is!

Singing it out!
 Receiving her diploma from Mrs. Kingsley

 With Taylor
 And her proud sissies!

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