

Monday, June 8, 2015

What a Year!

I was both excited and anxious for Brooklynn to start 1st grade this year.  I knew she was anxious to have new classmates and a new teacher, and I was just hoping we wouldn't have a repeat of the beginning of kindergarten.  Well, now with 1st grade completed I have to admit we have a whole different kid on our hands.  First grade was her year (so far) to shine!  She made so many friends, probably too many (as she became a little chatty by the end of the year).  She adored Mrs. Martinez.  And, most importantly, she LEARNED so much!  

I can't believe her academic and social growth this year.  I loved walking her to school and watching all the girls run up and hug her each morning and her face just beam with happiness.  I loved having lunch in the cafeteria with her and watching her interact and even gossip a little with her friends.  I loved watching her reading just soar every night, going from this "sounding out each word painfully" reader to a reader with expression and fluency excelling even in chapter books.

As always, the end of the year was a blast with all the activities - field trips, field day, and celebrations galore.  What a great way to close out a great year!  We're so proud of our Boo Bear!  We can't wait to see what 2nd grade brings!

She sure looked ready for the 1st day
 One of her many new friends
Having lunch on her birthday
 Movie night at school with her besties (Adilan, Riley, Madison, and Sabrina)
Field Day Funapalooza with Adilan
 Showing her little sissy how to 3-legged race at field day
 And potato sack racing
 More friend time!

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